The Castes

The entirety of Duat, all its four realms, is subject to the laws of a caste system: a classification under the guidelines of certain class levels. Overall there are two main classes – the servants and the free. However, as people are unique beings, we have broken these two categories down into more specific titles.

The Free…

Masters: Masters are free people given the ability to claim Slaves or Switch-Submissives. Doing so is equivalent buying an item at the store. By IC law, the slave is now the property of the claiming Master.

Citizens: Citizens are simply free members of the Duat society. While they are above the level of Slave and Switch-Submissives, they do not take on the responsibility of claiming or training slaves. If a slave is misbehaving in public, they are free to reprimand them within reason, though this is not a necessity of the class.

Switch-Dominants: Switch-Dominant is a unique class. The Switch itself represents an individual that is more free in their preferences than the other castes. Meaning to say, a switch can be both dominant and submissive when the time strikes them. To keep order within the community, however, there must be some structure to the Switch class. Therefore, a Switch-Dominant is expected to behave like any Master while associating in public. What goes on behind closed doors is another matter entirely and left to the discretion of the Switch-Dominant. Just like any dominant Master, the Switch-Dominant is able to claim a Slave or Switch-Submissive.

Note: All free individuals are to be treated with the same respect. Simply because one has chosen to claim and own slaves, does not make them any more important than those that have not taken on such a responsibility.

The Serving…

Slaves: Slaves are individuals that have surrendered their lives to the serving of their superiors. Though, there are the few cases where captured slaves have not truly ‘surrendered’. Slaves are objects to be claimed and owned, held to high behavioral standards at all times. They are expected to kneel in public, their gaze never directly finding that of their superiors’, and to obey the commands given by all in a higher class.

Switch-Submissives: Switch-Submissive is a unique class. The Switch itself represents an individual that is more free in their preferences than the other castes. Meaning to say, a switch can be both dominant and submissive when the time strikes them. To keep order within the community, however, there must be some structure to the Switch class. Therefore, a Switch-Submissive is expected to behave like any Slave while associating in public. What goes on behind closed doors is another matter entirely and left to the discretion of the Switch-Submissive and his/her Master. Like any slave, the Switch-Submissive is able to be claimed by a Master or Switch-Dominant.

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